There should be a secret USB port
With computers, you can put in memory sticks that you can find data on. There should be a special USB port on apple devices. Lets get into it! So the port could go in and with a special app (i would call it "USB port app") and you could see all your files on the USB! But the other thing is that when you download pictures or other stuff it should have something saying "export to "(whatever your USB is called)"" and then you would let it download and voila! you have downloaded. I hope that a USB will one day be on an apple/samsung device!
Stay tuned for a new type of camera mode!
With computers, you can put in memory sticks that you can find data on. There should be a special USB port on apple devices. Lets get into it! So the port could go in and with a special app (i would call it "USB port app") and you could see all your files on the USB! But the other thing is that when you download pictures or other stuff it should have something saying "export to "(whatever your USB is called)"" and then you would let it download and voila! you have downloaded. I hope that a USB will one day be on an apple/samsung device!
Stay tuned for a new type of camera mode!
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