Iphone 7 storage option
Hey guys, as you all know storage is a big thing. today, i am going to tell the storage options. so first up, as a surprise the infamous 16 GB will not be here for the 7. I have to say getting rid of the 16 GB is finally something that is good for me since i HATE just 16 small GB. next up, is the 32 GB. this will be featured on the 7. the size capacity will work out very well! third, 128 GB. when the 6S was released it had 128 GB. normally people wouldn't get up to the 100 mark, but if your a gamer you will have used the 128 mark in least then 40 mins. finally, the 256 GB size. this is a massive storage choice. on both ipad pros there are 256GB storage option. this will be a great mark for apple. i made a blog about why there should be 256 GB storage option and there is! i can't believe how many of my iphone 7 predictions are correct! in conclusion, there will be lots of storage to have on your 7!
stay tuned for how a pair of earpods can be fitted into the lightning cord. (and must i say thank you so much for 600 page views!)
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