Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Iphone SE

Iphone SE
Say hello to the new iphone SE. Now i know what your thinking "why is there a baby phone?" well the reason is that the iphone 6s is 4.7 inches and an iphone 6s+ is 5.5 inches. the sizing is to big so apple released and iphone SE (stands for Special edition (i think)). the cut it down to 4.0 inches. the four colours are the same as the iphone since it is the embodiment of the iphone 6s in the flesh of a 5s. so there you have it. got small hands now worries.

Tune in for more!



在iPhone6S进来4种颜色。首先,银,这是iphone的原始颜色。它也一直在iPad和MacBook笔记本。接下来,太空灰,这种颜色类似,只是不同的白银。色调是有点暗。接下来,黄金,彩金只是一个简单的彩金不多了。只是金子!最后,玫瑰金,(颜色在iPhone的图片),这是新的苹果颜色一直是好评如潮。它是如此受欢迎,新的iPhone SE拥有玫瑰金。那么随着iPhone SE发布了iPad的亲9.7玫瑰金。然后它现在是上的MacBook!!!!!!!!唯一的苹果产品,有玫瑰金是苹果手表,因为手表的苹果是他们在2015年9月前25日做出的唯一的苹果产品。所以有颜色希望得到您的iphone!


Iphone 6s colours

Iphone 6s colours

the Iphone 6s comes in 4 colours. first, silver, this is the original colour of iphone. it has also been on ipads and macbooks. next up, space grey, this colour is just like silver except different. the colour tone  is a bit darker. next up, gold, the colour gold is just a simple colour gold not much to it. just gold! and finally, Rose gold, (the colour is on the picture of the iphone) this is the new apple colour that has been the rave. it was so popular that the new iphone SE has rose gold. then as the Iphone SE was released the ipad pro 9.7 had rose gold. and then it is now on macbook!!!!!!!! the only apple product that had rose gold was the apple watch since the apple watch was the only apple product they made in 2015 before september the 25th. so there are the colours hope you get an iphone!

tune in for more!!

Monday, 30 May 2016








作为iPhone的新款iPhone6S,他们已经增加了一些很酷的功能。 1.(开始与该博客)的3D触控。 3D触控已经席卷了iphone6S。所有你要做的就是按下,按住也许3秒,如果你看到标签坚持下去,然后你使用3D触控。现在有些人不使用它,但我只是喜欢这个功能。你可以用它打开一张照片,应用,信息和链接的东西。所以在最后,3D触控是惊人的




Hey siri

Hey siri

Hey siri is a new software on the new iphone 6s and 6s plus. you have to setup by saying 'hey siri" three times and "hey siri, whats the weather today?" and finally "hey siri, it's me" and then you're good. it was originally you had to have it on the charging cable. this feature is very cool and i recommend to all. 

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Touch ID

Touch ID

Well touch ID is an amazing feature to the iphone for you. it was originally was that you had to hold your finger down. now when you press the home button to turn on your 6s it will open up. the history of the touch ID was that in order of touch ID you saw the square on the home button. the reasoning is probably that if you want to use touch ID, apple would of need to make the home button clear. the first iphone to release touch ID was the iphone 5s as from then touch ID has been amazing. when the 6s and 6s plus was released the touch ID was now easy to se by just hitting the home button.

Search Results

Search Result

Live photos

Live photos
Now to live photos. so what is live photos? well live photos are photos that actually move! this are used by going to the photos and pressing down on the photos. you can even combine 3D touch and live photos together! all you gotta do s go in to your photo gallery and press on a photo that is live. press down and you will see it move. to activate it you must press the button in the middle that is big circle. then that's how you use live photos!

Iphone 3D touch

3D touch
As of iphone's new iphone 6s they have added some cool features. 1. (to start with for this blog) the 3D touch. 3D touch has taken the iphone 6s by storm. all you gotta do is press, hold for maybe 3 seconds and if you see the tab keep holding and then you've used 3D touch. now some people don't use it but i just love that feature. you can use it for opening a photo, apps, messages and links to stuff. so in conclusion, the 3D touch is amazing